Tristan Malavoy was born in 1973 in Sherbrooke. His hobbyhorse is the connection between poetry and music. He has published three collections of poems and records at the interface of chanson and spoken word, including L’école des vertiges (2018), in which, sung by Philippe Brault, a narrative of musical notation is mixed with travel impressions. Tristan Malavoy has put on several shows in which poetry takes the stage, including J’attends tes lèvres pour chanter (premièred at the Festival international de la littérature in Montréal). He has also published two novels as well as Feux de position (2017), a collection of his best columns from the magazines Voir and L’actualité.
Publications (Selection):
Les chambres noires. Triptyque, 2003
Cassé-bleu. Triptyque, 2006
Le Nid de pierres. Boréal, 2015
Feux de position. Somme toute, 2017
L’Œil de Jupiter. Boréal, 2020
Carnets d’apesanteur. Coronet Liv/Audiogram, 2006
Les éléments. Audiogram, 2012
Quatre. Audiogram, 2014
L’école des vertiges. Audiogram/L’Hexagone, 2018