Michael Donhauser was born in 1956 as a Austrian citizen in Vaduz (Principality of Liechtenstein) and lives there and in Vienna. His debut Der Holunder, a collection of prose poems, appeared in 1986. It was followed by a long series of books mostly working between poetry and dence, poetically-charged prose. Donhauser has also translated Arthur Rimbaud and Francis Ponge into German. Donhauser‘s poems use small gestures to negotiate big subjects such as temporality, contemporaneity and transitoriness, with the poetic ego more as a filter than as an instance interpreting the world.
Publications (Selection):
Die Wörtlichkeit der Quitte. Prosagedichte, Droschl, 1990
Von den Dingen. Prosagedichte, Hanser, 1993
Sarganserland. Gedichte, Urs Engeler Editor, 1999
Ich habe lange nicht doch nur an dich gedacht. Gedichte, Urs Engeler Editor, 2005
Variationen in Prosa. Variationen im März. Matthes & Seitz Berlin, 2013
Waldwand. Eine Paraphrase. Matthes & Seitz Berlin, 2016
Listen to the poet on lyrikline.org
Prices (Selection):
1988 Josef-Gabriel-Rheinberger-Preis
1995 Christine-Lavant-Lyrikpreis
2001 Mondseer Lyrikpreis
2004 Lyrikpreis Meran
2005 Ernst-Jandl-Preis
2009 Georg-Trakl-Preis für Lyrik
2019 Heimrad-Bäcker-Preis