Franck Leibovici, born 1975 in Saint-Denis, lives and works in Paris as a conceptual poet and multi-media artist. His work includes exhibitions, performances, installations, essays, Panini albums, transcripts and Spam correspondences. He has shown in such places as the Biennale in Venedig, in the nGbK in Berlin and the Centre Pompidou in Paris. For his cycle Low Intensity Conflicts (2008– 2016) he described conflicts as mini operas with scores, illustrations and notation systems. Leibovici works with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Den Haag on using the strategies of poetry, the visual arts and the social sciences to expand the repertoire of tools for processing evidence.
Publications (Selection):
Low intensity conflicts. A mini opera for non musicians. Mf, 2019
De l’amour. Jean-boîte, 2019
Muzungu (mit Julien Seroussi). Bunkier sztuki, Krakow & ngbk, 2017
Bogoro (mit Julien Seroussi). Questions théoriques, 2016
The training. An artwork for later and after. Venice Biennale, 2017
Filibuster (a duration piece). Jeu de paume, 2013
Documents poétiques. Al dante, 2007