Aleida Assmann is an English Studies, literary and cultural scholar. She studied English and Egyptology in Heidelberg und Tübingen and from 1993 to 2014 she was Professor for English and Comparative Literature at the University of Constance. In addition, she has held many guest professorships in Germany and abroad. Her main area of research is cultural memory. Her book Formen des Vergessens (Forms of Forgetting) was published by Wallstein Verlag in 2016. In 2017 she and Jan Assmann together won the Balzan Prize; together they also won the Peace Price of the German Book Trade in 2018.
Latest Publications (Selection):
Formen des Vergessens. Wallstein, 2016
Menschenrechte und Menschenpflichten. Schlüsselbegriffe für eine humane Gesellschaft. Picus Verlag, 2018
Der europäische Traum. Vier Lehren aus der Geschichte. C. H. Beck, 2018
Prices (Selection):
2017: Balzan Preis (zusammen mit Jan Assmann)
2018: Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels (zusammen mit Jan Assmann)