Dean Bowen (1984) is a poet, performer and psychonaut. He examines the dynamics of the composite identity and how this relates to a political and social positioning of the self. His debut collection Bokman, which was nominated for the prestigious C. Buddingh’ Prize, is lyrical, passionate and furious; a personal quest aimed at revealing universal patterns, allowing many voices to speak. Bowen published on the online platforms Samplekanon and Hard//Hoofd and in journals like nY, Tirade, Revisor and de Gids. His poetry and powerful performance have seen him grace stages both nationally and internationally, bringing him to South-Africa, the US and Slovakia.
When I Giggle In My Sleep. Red Wheelbarrow Books, 2015
Rebel Rites. Cosmic Grasshopper Press, 2016
Genesis Visual Poetry Collection. Selbstverlag, 2018